Workforce Development

2023 Labor & Management Awareness Month Proclamation

Charlotte Amalie, V.I. 00802




WHEREAS, on June 28, 1894, the US Congress wisely established Labor Day as a significant legal holiday, celebrated on the first Monday of September; and

WHEREAS, this significant day stands as a tribute to the unwavering dedication and remarkable achievements of the American workforce, an embodiment of social and economic progress; and

WHEREAS, it is a profound honor to pay homage to the labor force of the United States Virgin Islands, a cornerstone of our community’s prosperity; and

WHEREAS, with great respect for the Virgin Islands workforce, I, Honorable Albert Bryan, Jr., as Governor, hereby proclaim September 2023 as Labor and Management Awareness Month in the United States Virgin Islands; and

WHEREAS, as an administration, we are committed to investing in workforce development, training, and encouraging current community members in the Territory, as well as attracting Virgin Islanders abroad to return; and

WHEREAS, developing the US Virgin Islands skill pipeline demands engagement between future employees and current employers, involving informing, attracting, training, and hiring qualified individuals in targeted industries like health sciences, renewable energy, research, tourism, and professional services; and

WHEREAS, the Virgin Islands Department of Labor (VIDOL) has the responsibility of preparing the workforce to support our economic needs and consistently joins forces with core partners in the private sector and the public sector, to ensure the training and placement of individuals in targeted industries; and

WHEREAS, VIDOL is workforce in action and local and federal partners ensure that the workforce development pendulum is swinging; and

WHEREAS, VIDOL receives its authority following Titles 3, 24, 27, and 29 of the Virgin Islands Code, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of2014, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), and other Federal laws that require the development of administrative structures that govern and enforce fair labor standards and protect the people of the Virgin Islands from any threat to health, morals, and general welfare; and

WHEREAS, the mission of VIDOL remains to administer a system of effective programs and services designed to develop, protect, and maintain a viable workforce, and we are committed to protecting, improving, and employing the entire labor force of the U.S. Virgin Islands; and

WHEREAS, labor is essential in ensuring our continued success in attaining economic stability; and

WHEREAS, as our economy continues to rebound, considerable resources are disbursed to create more access to training opportunities that can ensure financial stability and a higher standard of living for all Virgin Islanders; and

WHEREAS, throughout this month, we want to proudly acknowledge and commemorate all the work that our community completes to increase the significant economic, social, and cultural development of the Territory; and

WHEREAS, accordingly, the V.I. Department of Labor will lead the territory in the celebration of Labor and Management Awareness Month by hosting events that are designed to educate and celebrate every facet of our dynamic workforce.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Albert Bryan Jr., Governor of the Virgin Islands of the United States by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended, do hereby proclaim the month of September 2023, Labor and Management Awareness Month in honor of our hard-working men and women. I invite all Virgin Islands residents to honor these invaluable community members for their numerous achievements and contributions to our Territory’s social and economic progress; and

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States to be affixed at Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands this1siaay of September, A.D. 2023.