The Virgin Islands Department of Labor ensures priority of service to veterans and eligible spouses seeking employment and training opportunities. Veterans receive first access to job listings and all qualified DOL-funded job training programs, including WIOA programs.
We at VIDOL are extremely proud of Virgin Islanders and all citizens who have served in our Armed Services. It is our honor to serve you and provide services through the Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service.
Our Program for Veterans is administered through key personnel called DVOP (Disabled Veterans Outreach Program) Specialist. These DVOP Specialists are trained and ready to assist eligible veterans and eligible spouses with their employment and training needs, as well as to ensure the application of preference and/or priority services to veterans as prescribed by federal, state, and local laws.

Employment assistance includes intensive individual services including:
- Career and employment counseling
- Direct job referrals
- Labor market information
- Job search workshops
- Résumé / application and cover letter assistance
- Eligibility determination for special programs
- Referral to training and/or supportive services
- Information on veterans employment benefits, rights and preferences
- Resources for changing careers or transitioning from the military to civilian employment
Eligible veterans are determined by attesting to one of the following Significant Barriers to Employment (SBE).
- Veterans between the ages 18 to 24.
- Homeless veterans or veterans who are at risk of becoming homeless.
- Recently separated service members, who have been unemployed for 27 or more weeks in the previous 12 months.
- An offender, who is incarcerated or who has been released from incarceration.
- Lacking high school diploma or equivalent certificate; or
- Low income.
- Transitioning Service Members in need of Intensive Services;
- Wounded, Ill, or Injured Service Members Receiving Treatment at Military Treatment Facilities or Warrior Transition Units (MTFs – WTUs).

Eligible spouses are determined by being the spouse of a veteran who:
- has a total service connected disability,
- is Missing In Action,
- was captured in the line of duty by a hostile force,
- is a Prisoner Of War, or
- died from a service connected disability.
Additionally, the Veterans Employment and Training Services designated an additional population eligible to receive services from the DVOP specialists: Family Caregivers of Wounded, III or Injured Service Members receiving treatment at MTFs – WTUs. Contact 340-776-3700 for additional information.
Resources for Finding Veteran Assistance and Information
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Online military personnel records request system used to request information from military personnel records.
e-Vets Resource Advisor
Use the General Services section to prepare for the job market or use the Personal Profile section to access links of specific interest.